Dual N-back IQのゲーム脳ビルダープレミアム

by High Secret


1.99 usd

★★★N-BACK IQ脳ゲームビルダープレミアム - 知能ゲームわずか20分の4回週をプレイし、あなたのIQ(知性)を増加させる!脳Builderは、それが、されている科学的にメモリ(短期記憶)と注意を作業、あなたのIQを高めるために実績のあるN-バックゲームのAndroidのバージョンです。以前はN-バックの試合には、IQが誕生以降に修正し、それが増加させる方法はありませんでしたということでしたと考えられている。用紙はIQはわずか20分を4回週に脳Builderを再生することによって増加させることができる玉葉を示す米国の科学アカデミー(PNAS)の議事録に掲載されたときにそれにもかかわらず、最近のパラダイムシフトが発生しました。複数以来その研究は、発見をお持ちESTA深刻な調査研究を確認した。
★★★ N-BACK IQ GAME BRAIN BUILDER PREMIUM — AN INTELLIGENCE GAMEIncrease your IQ (intelligence) playing just 20 minutes 4 times a week! Brain Builder is the Android version of the N-Back game which it has been scientifically proven to increase your IQ, working memory (short term memory) and attention.
Previously to the N-Back game it is thought that the IQ was a fixed since birth and that there were not way to increase it. Nevertheless, recently a paradigm shift occurred when a paper was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) showing that IQ actually can be increased by just playing Brain Builder 20 minutes four times a week. Since that study multiple serious research studies have confirmed this discovery.
Brain Builder is the Android version of the N-Back game with the additional advantage that it can be played anywhere at any time using these free time that we always for playing a IQ game with which you will increase your brain power.
★★★ INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES PROVES THAT BRAIN BUILDER WORKS! * For a complete list of references to clinical studies conducted by the most respected university around the world proving that Brain Builder works and to download all these scientific papers please visit http://www.highsecret.com/en/brain